30 Things I’ve Learned In 30 Years

OH, my god! 30!! How did I become a 30-year-old human being! I can still remember being 5, carefree and  without a trouble in the world. My biggest decision I faced was what cereal I would have for breakfast! Now I’m 30! Its crazy to me! I have to be honest, it’s the first birthday which has been met with a degree of trepidation. It’s frightening to think how quickly this birthday has come around and time is showing no signs of slowing down. I know age is just a number and it’s all about how you feel, I mean technically I’m only a day older really than yesterday, only today a whole new number signifies my age. I wonder if I could get away with saying I’m 29+1? Hmm.

When I was younger and I would hear of adults being in their late 20s/30s I would always envisage an adult who has got their shit together, bossing life and knowing what they’re doing with it! One big reality shock is how unrealistic this notion actually is! In truth I think we’re all just winging it! 10 years on from my early 20s and my life is in a much happier place. My mental health is hugely improved and I can honestly say I’d never wish to go back to that age and time of my life.

On my journey to this point I’d like to think I’ve learned a few things along the way, some more valuable than others and still with a lot to learn, I though now would be the ideal time to impart some of my wisdom from my 30 years on this earth.

Ok, here goes..

1. We’re all just winging it. When I was younger my view of adults was that they had their lives together and knew everything. Oh how wrong I was.

2. The first cup of tea of the day is the best. Fact.

3. Gin is the best alcoholic beverage to be created. Thanks to whoever that was btw. I love you.

4. There really is no such thing as too much makeup.

5. Following on from No.4, best not to let your other half know how much you actually have.

6. Not to care what other people think. It’s the most liberating feeling ever when you finally let go.

7. If you start to exercise, never stop, starting it up again is the worst!

8. Never forget your worth and settle for less than you deserve.

9. Listen to your instincts / gut, they’re never wrong.

10. Being an adult is expensive! Especially a beauty loving, home owning addict who loves having the heating on.

11. The size tag in clothing doesn’t define you, neither does the number on the scales!

12. Knowing when to say nothing. Despite how hard it might be.

13. Always be kind.

14. The older you get, the harder the hangovers get.

15. Dogs really are mans best friend.

16. Cheesy pasta is the food of champions.

17. Drinking plenty water, eating your veggies and getting your sleep are actually kind of a big deal.

18. Your parents know best.

19. Having a savings fund is such the best kind of comfort blanket.

20. ALWAYS remain true to who you are.

21. Worrying is a waste of time and steals your happiness, plus that way you suffer twice.

22. Bubble baths fix everything!

23. Don’t compare yourself to others. Ever. Just stop it ok. No good can come of this.

24. Time is the most valuable thing we have, be careful who you spend yours on, and never wish it away.

25. Have no regrets, only lessons learned.

26. You’re never too old to follow your dreams.

27. You will never be able to master the art of folding a fitted bed sheet. EVER!

28. Not everyone will like you. That’s cool though, you might not like them either right?

29. It’s ok to not be ok.

30. Age really is just a number, it’s all about how you feel!!

Heres a bonus one!

31. You’re old enough to know better, but still young enough not to care!

What are the most important pearls of wisdom you’ve picked up on your way through life?

30th birthday

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  1. I’ve never thought of worrying as something that just makes you suffer twice, but that’s actually really clicked something in my head. I’m going to try and remember that the next time I’m worrying.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

  2. Hope you had a lovely 30th birthday! I really like number 25,26 and 29! Lovely Post!
    Sarah X

  3. Happy Belated birthday lovely!! I totally agree with number 6 – not giving a sh*t made me so much happier! x

  4. Mel these are really good thoughts about life! I’m not 30 yet, but these are some I’ve really taken into consideration. As time goes on I’ve realized that asking for help doesn’t make me weak, it can help me be more outgoing and stronger. Eating healthy and working out is something I’m focusing on, because I realized those routines are ones I should of started at a young age.

  5. haha i loved the lesson you learned about bedsheets. I have a friend who can do it , and i even pay her to do so 😉
    And yes girl the hangovers only get worse from here on. I am 30 + 1
    Just had my bday two weeks ago

  6. I loved all of these! Fantastic advice Mel! 100% agree that bubble baths fix everything & the first cup of tea of the day is the best 😍. Yes to following your dreams & always being kind. Enjoy your 30s girl 💖 xx

    Bexa | http://www.hellobexa.com

  7. Love these! Especially 10 (when did money become so important?), 14 (this has been a very big reality punch) and 18 (many times I wish I would have listened to my parents from day 1). I’ve still got a couple years till 30 but I can still understand wanting to say 29 + 1. When you’re 5 its easy to think of 30 as old and mature and all knowing, when that’s definitely not the case. At least for me lol. Happy Birthday btw 🙂

  8. Happy Birthday! You’re completely right about the exercise. I’m trying to become a little healthier and it’s so difficult the first few days!

    Tori  |  JustTheBeginning-x.com

  9. Great article! Really resonated with the bit about it never being too late to follow your dreams.

    I’m 24, and the most important life lesson I’ve learned so far is to go after what you want with everything you have. I mean, even if it doesn’t work out the way you want it to, you’ll learn tons along the way, and you’ll know you’ve tried your best to achieve your dreams. No regrets, right?

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! Love your list it’s so relatable! Fitted sheets are a mystery to me too and bubble baths most certainly have healing powers 😃
    Great post thanks for sharing !

    Melanie |www.frasersfunhouse.com

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We tend to say, oh it’s the 4th anniversary of my 21st. Makes people wonder how old we really are in our family. I think the first tea/coffee of the day is the best too! I discovered in my 20’s how overrated going out with your friends every weekend is. Call em up, get a chinese and have a drink in the houseand watch a chick flick! My kinda night.

  12. I love this post! Especially the one about the fitted sheet, that gave me a giggle and a glimmer of hope that I might actually have my life together.
    I hope you had a lovely birthday x

  13. Happy birthday beautiful you look amazing! I’m happy your mental health has improved.

    I love the lessons you have wrote about number 4. Is one of my favourite. I feel like their were several lessons I could relate to including always be true to yourself ! Amen xo

    Love P x


  14. These really made me smile! I turn 30 later this year! Definitely agree re cheesey pasta and the first come of tea being the best! I’ve learnt that it’s okay to make mistakes, that toddlers are really, really hard work and that you should always make time for reading!
    Hels xx

  15. Happy belated birthday! #1 and #22 are my favorites lol one thing I’ve learned is that it’s okay to admit that you don’t know everything. We’re all still learning and will continue to do so.

  16. I love these, such a mix of fun and insightful ones! The first is my favourite, at 23 I am really starting to learn that none of us have any clue of what we are doing. I teach children and they’re always like ‘Charlotte you’re so old’ and it makes me laugh because being my age used to seem to old and I thought I would have it all figured out by then, but nope!!


  17. Ahh , I too am approaching 30 this year . I’m also like how did I get here lol . I can definitely relate to these 30 things !

  18. Absolutely love this list! The only thing is, I havent learnt how to like gin yeast, so may have to disagree with you on point 4. I am a vino lover through and through!!!

    I am also more than old enough to know better, but sincerely dont care a jot these days! Welcome to the 30’s club

    H x

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