My Perfect Girls Night In

I’m a lover of a big night in rather than a big night out. I don’t know whether it’s the comfort of being in your own familiar surroundings, having your favourite people there or the fact it’s generally more fun and it saves you so much money.

It has so many advantages. No stumbling in at all hours, taking your makeup off in a drunken stupor, losing your favourite falsies in the process. Sometimes all you need is a girly night in with your nearest and dearest. We all have our own girls night ideals, my tops picks have got to be:

The obligatory face masks!! What with all of the cheeky nibbles and most likely alcoholic beverages, your skin will really appreciate a little extra pampering. When it comes to face masks one brand comes to mind time and time again, it is also my own personal favourite, Glamglow. They have mastered the art of the perfect mask. My favourite is their cult Supermud Clearing Mud treatment! Gravity Mud is also a favourite of mine.

Next up, the pyjamas!! Being cosy is key! I love pyjamas and if it were socially acceptable to wear them all of the time, I would! I wash more pyjamas than clothes, so basically I live in either pyjamas or work clothes. My favourites are my Harry Potter ones from Primark, especially the ones which are cuffed around the ankles! Sexy, I know! No-one likes their jarmie bottoms being half way up their legs in the middle of the night. For some extra cosy grab that snuggly dressing gown to wrap around you and cosy socks too!

Girls night in Slimline Wine

Girls night in Slimline Wine

Time to move onto the good stuff! FOOD!! You’ve got to have some food on the go! My food of choice is either a good ol’ take away, or throw a pizza in the over along with garlic bread and various nibbles, crisps and dips, chocolates! Very healthy! If I want to go for lighter options I’ll opt for healthier alternatives to crisps and dips with hummus, sliced peppers, carrots and bread sticks etc.

Next up is the beverages! For a girly night I love wine, prosecco or cocktails. Again if I want to try to be a littler healthier in my choices I would often opt for a classic G&T or vodka, soda and lime. Usually wine is a bit too calorie heavy while I’m on the wagon, enter Slimline Wine! They have created a range of wines which are low-calorie and sugar and carb free!! There is a god!!

Slimline Wines very kindly sent me a bottle of their Sparkling Wine* to try. It was hard to detect a difference between this and regular prosecco or sparkling wines if I’m honest. It’s the perfect solution if you want to have a drink but not overdo it on the calories or carbs if you’re trying to be a little healthier. I can’t wait to see what other wines they launch as they continue to grow.

Now everyone is pampered, cosy in their pjs, fed and watered its film time! Whether it be a DVD or Netflix, my first choice is always a girly chick flick or anything Disney! It’s not like the other half appreciates those films but the girls definitely do!

What’s your ideal night in?

Girls night in Slimline Wine

Girls night in Slimline Wine

*Contains PR/Gifted items, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  1. It sounds so good! I am definitely up for trying it out too lol, gotta love a girly night in – but right now 2/3 close friends of mine are pregnant, so we need to skip the bubbly!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  2. I love prosecco and to hear there is a slightly ‘healthier’ option with less sugar is fab – especially if they taste similar!
    Em x

  3. This sounds like such a wonderful girls night in babe and that wine sounds awesome! I’m gonna be checking it out for myself for my next planned girls night – thank you for sharing 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x


  4. I love a good night in – your night in essentials are pretty much the same as mine would be except I love a good singalong and dance at some point during the night! xx

  5. I can relate with you so much, I’d take a night in over a night out any day of the week! I love getting cosy in pyjamas with my girls and popping on a movie with lots of chocolate! Although nothing beats a takeaway pizza!
    Zara xx

  6. Wait, what?! Low calorie wine? I’m so in! You’ve summed everything up perfectly. A take away or Pizza with garlic bread and nibbles are my go to as well lol I’d maybe add a girl film to the mix too 🙂
    Love you photos too!


  7. This is all great, I just don’t drink wine at all. I honestly try and drink as little alcohol as I can, so I stick to water most of the time. Wearing cozy pjs is a must!

  8. Sounds perfect. If I’m having a night in with the girls, we blast music that we’re stuck listening to since 2008 and have a party and do each others hair’s different colours it’s always fun. I bet they’d love that wine! I’ve vouched not to drink again though since my last hangover, phewph!

    Lisa | Oh Luna

  9. Omg I love that bottle opener and coaster set!! I NEED for when I get a house! I love a night in too, give me chocolate and Netflix over a hangover any day!

  10. I’m the same when it comes to big nights-prefer to be at home rather than out, and you have such good ideas in this post that I defo will be using for my next big night in x

  11. Nights in are SO much better than heading out on the town in my opinion – for me it’s because I definitely feel so much more comfortable in my own surroundings and also I absolutely love hosting, especially hosting moving nights in with a bottle of sparkly !!

    If you don’t mind me asking, where is your coaster and bottle opener from? They’re sooooo gorgeous!


  12. I love a girly night in!! It’s always filled with gossip and laughter that you can’t do as well in a loud club. And I never pass up the chance for a face mask, I love the aztec indian healing clay, sucks everything out of your pores!

  13. I absolutely love this post! I did a similar one on called my Perfect Night In! Facemasks are absolutely a must!

    Shauna x

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