As many of us are finding ourselves spending more time at home than ever, it is the perfect opportunity to carve out a stay at home self-care routine. We will all have our own additions to our personal routines that work best for us. I’m going to share some additions to my new stay at home self-care routine which I have been enjoying.
For me, I work best when I have some kind of routine, structure and general organisation. It’s what works best for me. I’d love to be that laid-back gal who takes to anything with ease, but I’m not. Finding myself at home a lot has been a bit of an adjustment as I’m sure it has for most of us. In navigating my way through my new routine I like to incorporate aspects with various benefits. By this, I mean something for my mind, body, productivity, well-being, downtime, work, etc. We must look after our mental health more now than ever as we find ourselves in unchartered territory.
First things first
I like to wake and be out of bed no later than 0800 during the week. Once I’ve done my usual let the dog in the garden and open the blinds I make sure to get showered and changed. Albeit into loungewear but I make sure I wear different clothes during the day rather than sit in my pyjamas. For such a small thing it actually makes a big difference to how I feel and my productivity. This order might differ day-to-day depending on whether I do exercise that day. If I do I shower afterwards. I always start the day with a good breakfast and most importantly a cup of coffee.
Staying Active
This one is really important for me as I can be prone to falling into that lazy zone if I don’t make an effort to remain active. My three forms of activity include walking Charlie which benefits us both and it’s a welcome chance to get out of the house. Next is at home HIIT cardio workouts I find on YouTube to maintain my fitness aspect. Last but not least, my third is yoga, I’ve been meaning to get back into yoga for ages and now is the perfect opportunity. I personally prefer to do yoga in the morning and I find that it also helps with my mental health and overall wellbeing too so it’s a great all-rounder. I’ve been following Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel if you’re looking at taking up yoga I’d highlight recommend checking her out.
For The Mind
It’s important that we do things to stimulate the brain and keep us sharp. For me, I opt for reading as I love to read but don’t do it enough. I’ve dug out my Harry Potter books to read and from the start. They should keep me busy for a little while as I work my way through all 7 books. This next one is a bit of a guilty and somewhat dorky pleasure, but I love puzzles. Crosswords, arrow words and sudoku puzzles specifically, they’re a great way to keep your mind active and thinking. The final thing I’m trying my hand at is meditation. It’s always been something I’ve been keen to explore and I have dabbled here and there. Having so much time on my hands is giving me the ideal opportunity to give meditation a real try.
This might not apply to everyone. By work, I mean blog work for me personally. I set aside time to spend writing out blog posts, taking blog photos, fixing broken links, doing the jobs I need to do but never get round to. Updating my about me page, editing old posts and updating them, checking the SEO on older posts and amending where necessary. Creating or updating a media kit. Sorting through emails and giving my folders a much needed tidy. Part of my blog work includes managing my blog social media accounts and updating them and engaging. I especially need to focus on Instagram and Pinterest.
Other work might include studying, freelance, work from home etc.
This is the time I’ll do chores around the house. It’s also the time I will use to get round to those jobs we all have and keep putting off. For me, it is decluttering my wardrobe and thinning out everything that I own. Going through my excessive toiletry and makeup stash. Even the tedious tasks like decluttering my photo album on my phone and camera memory card.
Get Outside & Enjoy Some Fresh Air
Coming out of the house and enjoying some fresh air is a big lift for me. It’s a welcome change of scenery even if it is just in my garden while I enjoy a book and a cup of tea. I also take Charlie for his daily walk and take in the fresh air. It benefits my skin too, I don’t know about you but being cooped up indoors doesn’t agree with my skin.
Downtime / Something You Enjoy
This is your time to do what you love whatever that might be. I find myself using this time to binge-watch boxsets or films. I recently got Disney plus so I’m working through that at the moment. Sometimes I read for fun with this time or browse social media freely. It is also the time I use to have a good old fuss. Long baths, extra pampering, face masks, body scrubs followed by pampering body butter. Whatever makes you happy this is that time to do it. I’m thinking of trying my hand and baking and cooking more from scratch. Not my usual forte but now is the time to learn, right?
Winding Down
I like to spend the last hour or so of the day winding down. Granted my days aren’t overly busy of late but I like to have a bit of a winding down bedtime routine. Firstly I start out by reducing screen time at this point to help me get to sleep better. I might read a little before bed or browse a magazine. Sometimes I use this time for a relaxing bath with relaxing bath soak or oil. I also do my evening skincare routine during this time too. Something I enjoy before bed is a cup of herbal tea while I update my daily planner with what I’ve done that day and tick off the goals I set out.
That wraps up my stay at home self-care routine. I find this works well for me and gives me focus and structure. Day-to-day I handpick specific goals for the following day and work through a tick list on my phones notes section. I absolutely love lists and they help me enormously at this time to stay productive and motivated.
Do you have any tips on self-care at home? How you stay motivated? I’d love to know.
I have a more in-depth pamper routine here for those indulgent me-time days.

I’ve just caught up on house work so happy to be at home chilling now – will need to put some self care into my routine ASAP 🙂
I’m pampering myself more than ever these days and loving it! lol! x
Beautylymin | Ecooking Beauty Bundle Giveaway
I keep seeing people posting their yoga routines and I would love to give it a go! I also find changing out of my pjs into loungewear helps me throughout the day.
– Charlotte /
I’m definitely trying to spend my time looking after myself and pursuing personal projects instead of letting things get me down – some days are better than others
Jasmine xx
Thanks so much for sharing these tips with us!
I’ve been working out so much lately and it helps me mentally!
Love, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
I really need to start to be more active again x
First off Melanie, your photos are stunning! Second I like how you incorporate “wind down” time to your routine. Breaks are so necessary and it’s important to take time and rest too. I’m inspired to create a night time routine for myself. Thanks for sharing 👏🏾😍
Natonya |
I am really trying to make sure I get red hair everyday so tend to sit in my garden on my lunch break as working from home xx
This is a great routine. Before this all started, I was waking up at 6:30 every day and I loved it. For some reason, I can’t seem to wake up any earlier than 8 right now! x
love hearing this! I have the problem where I want to be super productive all the time but I should take some more chill time for myself!
Cate ☾ 35mm in Style | Photography + Blogging
I’ve really been making the most of being able to have a thorough skincare routine and just relaxing at the moment xx
I struggle with down-time as I always like to be active x
If there was every a time to break out your Jo Malone goodies, it’s now!! No point treating yourself to things and then never using them!
Em x
YES I’m all about self care right now – it’s so good! Only positive from all of this lol
I’m definitely more productive in the morning – I get SO much done before lunch. Once I’ve walked the dog it’s hard to get going again!
Em x
Staying active is so important for me and my mental health x
Working out is really saving me during this lockdown. If I don’t have a mental break down is thanks to it hahah
Miki x
So important to take time to pamper: hot bath, face mask, hair mask and an early night are my favs x